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Welcoming Guest Preacher, Rev. Dr. Chris Davies




Join Us this Sunday, January 14th

Rev. Davies will join us on Sunday, January 14th, at our 9:30 am worship service to speak on the topic of justice. She will also share information about her participation in the Peace March in Washington, DC.

Rev. Dr. Chris S. Davies is a Celtic spiritualist, Christ-follower, organizer, queer femme, visionary, pastor, and liturgist.  An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, she loves faith deeply, and is committed to finding ways to continue to bring the gospel into the world, past this generation and into those to follow. 

Chris attended Smith College for her undergrad work and Andover Newton for both a Masters of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry, focusing on queering proclamation.  She is passionate about justice and Jesus and works as the Executive Minister of Programs and Initiatives in the Southern New England Conference of the UCC.  Chris serves on the foundation board of Preterm, an independent abortion Clinic in Cleveland, OH. 

Rev. Dr. Chris will be available to answer questions about her work and reflect on the sermon during the coffee hour after worship on Sunday.


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